The departure of the United Kingdom is already a fact, and although many other things have happened this year, the new normal in Spain has reminded us of this event. It is time to review the impacts of this separation, mainly for British citizens in Spanish territory and how to get a british NIE.
It is necessary to point out that all non-Spaniards will need a foreigner identification number (NIE) to reside in Spain, which will be reflected on a card that they must carry as their identification. In the case of Europeans, this card is green in color and is called the European Certificate, and until the middle of the year it also identified British citizens.
What is going to happen now?
The United Kingdom no longer belongs to the European Union, its citizens also changed their status, so now they are selected third-country nationals and therefore the rules that must be applied will be those called in Spain the general immigration regime that between many things include the issuance of a foreign card (TIE) in a different format.

However, in accordance with the Agreement for the Withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community, the gradual change of the status of British citizens residing in Spain to the regime was planned. general, without thus affecting those who are already residents and granting a period of 6 months to enjoy free movement to those who decide to make the Iberian country their residence.
How is the new process?
Thus, the Spanish government issued the Resolution of July 2, 2020, of the Undersecretariat, which publishes the joint Instruction of the General Directorate of Migration and the General Directorate of Police, which determines the procedure for the issuance of the residence document foreseen in article 18.4 of the Withdrawal Agreement, thus regulating the way of changing the card or issuing it for the first time for the British.
Until when we can do this?
It is necessary to let you know this procedure will only be until December 31, 2020, understanding that after this period, the United Kingdom will be considered a third country and all its nationals who want to obtain Spanish residency will have to follow the processes provided for them,.

Who can get the British NIE now?
1. British residents with a European certificate and less than 5 years in Spanish territory
2. British residents with a European certificate and more than 5 years in the Spanish territory
3. Non-EU relative of British resident with green card
4. British citizen without European certificate
5. Non-EU family member of a British citizen without a European certificate
6. British citizen without a European certificate and over 5 years residing in Spain

Those who are over 5 years old (British or family) and have their card will be granted a permanent resident card
Britons who do not have a residence card, must apply for their NIE and later the issuance of their card, which once they have it, can apply for a card for the non-community relative (if applicable)
Finally, the British citizen who lives in Spain for more than 5 years without having obtained their European certificate, may choose the permanent resident card as long as they can prove their legal and continued residence in the country.
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