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Paro refers to the act of stopping, that is, suspending some action. This is why, in some countries, what in Spain we call a strike, is known as paro. However, in Spain, paro does not refer to a strike, but to the fact of not having a job.

Having made this clarification, in today’s post we are going to tell you how unemployment works in Spain, who can collect it and how much you can collect.

What is paro?

When we talk about paro in Spain, we may be referring to two different concepts. On the one hand, to the fact of not having a job, what is commonly known as “being unemployed”. On the other hand, paro also refers to the economic subsidy received for this situation of unemployment. In other words, what is commonly known as “collecting unemployment benefits”.

Who can collect unemployment benefits?

To be able to collect unemployment benefit in Spain, which means to be able to apply for unemployment benefit, you must be a jobseeker. The first condition for this is that you must be over 16 years old, which is the minimum legal age to work.

If you are over 16, you must go to the employment service of your autonomous community and apply for this benefit.

Now, what requirements do you need to meet for your application to be accepted?

  • You must have paid contributions for a minimum of 360 days in the last 6 years from the date of termination of the last employment contract.
  • You must be committed to actively looking for a job during the time you are receiving the benefit.

And the most asked question…

How much unemployment benefit do I get?

Each person will receive a different amount, depending on their situation. To calculate how much unemployment benefit you will receive, you should look at your pay slips. In the section “contribution base for professional contingencies and concepts of joint collection” you will find the regulatory base.

During the first 6 months in which you receive unemployment benefits, you will be entitled to 70% of this amount. After these 6 months, this percentage will drop to 60% of the regulatory base. However, you should be aware that you will have to subtract the taxes corresponding to personal income tax from the resulting amount.

To calculate all this, you can use the Self-calculation programme for unemployment benefits of the State Public Employment Service.

We hope this post has helped you. Remember that you can read more interesting posts on our blog:



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